Recent years have accelerated the evolution of the workplace. The job market is much more competitive, with Zoom interviews becoming the new normal. As a result, it's easier for candidates to apply and to interview for more positions than in the past. With a low unemployment rate recruiters and business owners need to shift their focus to new recruitment trends in order to attract the best candidates.

Positive Candidate Experience

Recruiters are the face of the company. When someone applies for work at your company, how do they find that process? If they get the job, would they recommend a friend to also apply? If they don’t get the job, would they tell others not to apply based on their experience. To ensure you’re leaving candidates with the right impression take a look at your candidate experience throughout the entire recruitment cycle from Advertising to Onboarding.

Hybrid Work Model

Obviously the pandemic has drastically changed the work environment. Not only are employee’s now used to more flexibility, they expect it. We also have a number of companies now trialling/implementing the 4 day working week. Promoting a more positive work-life balance is here to stay.

Employer Brand, Culture & Reputation

If you’re not doing it already, the use of connecting with people via your website and social media should be one of your first implementations of 2023. Recent statistics show a business that’s considered a reputable brand receives 50% more qualified candidates. Treat candidates like customers. This can be done through email campaigns, providing interesting content on your website, and engaging in discussions on social media.

Soft skills in high demand

The pandemic and increased use of technology have changed the landscape of what employers are looking for and need when it comes to hiring new employees. Employers want people who can adapt and change with an evolving and growing company. That means a focus on hiring these soft skills: Communication, Innovation, Creativity, Emotional intelligence, Collaboration, Adaptability, Leadership, Time management, Work Ethic, Listening.

It's not what you know, It's who you know.

It probably comes as no surprise that most companies hire 20-40% of their new hires via referrals. I would hazard a guess that this statistic is probably higher for New Zealand companies! So, as an employer, look at your candidate referral process. Make it attractive and easy for your current employees to recommend someone and you’ll be highly rewarded!

Need help with any the above tips? Get in touch with us here at Konnect Koncepts! Call 09 392 9868.