In recent years, there has been a rise in the phenomenon of "quiet quitting" in New Zealand, where employees leave their jobs without informing their employers, sometimes not even giving notice. This trend has significant impacts on employers, particularly in the areas of recruitment and human resources (HR).

Quiet quitting can be seen as a symptom of a larger problem within organizations, such as poor management, inadequate communication, or lack of employee engagement. When employees feel undervalued, overworked, or unappreciated, they may opt for this method of quitting as a means of avoiding confrontation, or because they feel there is no point in discussing their concerns.

The impact of quiet quitting

One of the most significant impacts of quiet quitting is the disruption it causes to an organization's recruitment efforts. Employers may suddenly find themselves without a key team member, leaving them struggling to cover the workload and scrambling to find a suitable replacement. This can result in increased stress for existing employees, decreased morale, and ultimately, lower productivity.

In addition to the practical challenges, quiet quitting can also have a significant impact on an organization's reputation. Word of mouth travels fast, and negative comments from former employees can quickly harm an employer's ability to attract new talent. Employers must be mindful of how they treat their employees, as this can have a direct impact on the quality of candidates that apply for future roles.

Another area where quiet quitting can have an impact is HR. When an employee quits without notice, there may be legal and compliance issues that need to be addressed. Employers must ensure they are aware of the relevant laws and regulations surrounding employee terminations, including notice periods, final payments, and any other relevant entitlements.

As referenced by Employment New Zealand:

"It’s good practice to have regular conversations with employees to check how they’re going and identify any issues early on. This can help to create a positive work environment and avoid unexpected resignations." 

How to stop quiet quitting

To combat the negative effects of quiet quitting, employers can take proactive steps to improve employee engagement and communication. This includes providing opportunities for feedback, fostering a culture of open communication, and addressing issues promptly and fairly. Employers should also prioritize employee wellbeing, ensuring that they have the resources and support they need to thrive in their roles.

Quiet quitting is a trend that is on the rise in New Zealand, and its impacts on employers can be significant. Employers must take proactive steps to address the underlying issues that lead to this phenomenon, including poor management and inadequate communication. By prioritizing employee engagement and wellbeing, employers can create a more positive workplace culture and mitigate the negative effects of quiet quitting on their recruitment and HR efforts.

If you're looking for ways to increase your team's engagement feel free to contact us to see if we can help.